The Foothill Region of the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America (“VCCA”) has been San Gabriel Valley’s Chevy club for more than 40 years. Founded as a region of the VCCA, the club organizers embraced the mission of the VCCA which is “Dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Chevrolets”.
As a club that is family-friendly, we hold activities which can be inclusive of the whole family. We travel to interesting places as a group in our Chevrolets (and GMCs) and enjoy the fellowship of the membership. Many points of interest we visit either have a connection to the automotive world, or some historical significance. However, one of the wonderful aspects of belonging to a club like the Foothill Region, is you have an opportunity to visit places you might otherwise never see!
Several of our members have been in the club for multiple decades. If you are looking for technical expertise to assist you in preserving or restoring your Chevrolet, our club is the place for you. Our membership is comprised of highly knowledgeable folks when it comes to expertise in Chevrolets. Beit the history of the brand, the technical workings of each model or mechanical knowledge, our membership collectively can offer on-point advice that can deliver real solutions.
The social aspect of our club can’t be understated. We enjoy meeting 10 months out of each year over breakfast as we conduct the club’s business. We plan tours, picnics and other activities all year long. We have an annual holiday party and talk cars!
Ownership of a Chevrolet is not required but an interest and infinity of them is all that’s needed to become a member and join in on the fun. Please visit our Join page to learn more about membership in the Foothill Region of the VCCA. To explore more about our history, please visit the history pages of both the National VCCA and of our region. We hope to see you at a meeting soon!